For the renewed VIC Clinic, a website has been created that uses videos of happy, laughing patients at the clinic.

Exactly on target
The audience of site visitors is very diverse, each visitor has a different IT experience. Although the website uses a number of animations and different blocks of information with graphic elements used to present the content, a solution has been implemented to make it easy for the visitor to find the information they are looking for with one or two clicks. Everything on the website is presented as simply as possible to lead to the registration of the clinic services.

Video content
To convey the values ​​and environment of the VIC Clinic, special videos have been created for the website. In cooperation with the professional team of the video advertising agency Creator, high-quality video inserts were created with happy patients of the clinic. This content on the site allows the clinic to stand out from the competitive environment.

More content
The website provides not only basic sales information, but also additional content about the clinic's patients and doctors. This not only helps in SEO optimization, but also demonstrates the values ​​of the clinic.