NRD Cyber Security

Presentation website of the digital security company "NRD Cyber Security".

Security interaction

Among the rapidly developing cyber security companies in the environment, it is not enough to stand out only with the services provided. An intuitive identity should help user to remember the site from another angle. To achieve this goal, the new website used animated elements that connect users with security. The animation of the radar in operation symbolizes the early detection of the object, the constantly changing turbulent background shows the level of threat.

Quick help

In the event of an incident, help is needed here and now. A special form with a graphic radar button has been created for this. From any part of the site, user get to the required area, where information is presented as quickly and accurately as possible.

Personalized attention

In the presentation of services and in the career section, the information is presented and invited to contact, not by the sales manager, but by real team leaders, who can be quickly contacted by the applicant.